"SHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! OhGodOhGodOhGod!"
"Damnit Jerry, if you don't shut the fuck up I'm going to put you in the trunk with our friend!", I screamed at him. I should know better, Jerry's not all that stable since that job in Sacramento.
"Shit! I'm sorry Davey, but that scared the shit outta me. You know how I am about being shot at.", Jerry whimpered back at me.
"But we're not being shot at dip-shit, the tire just blew out."
"I know that, but it sounded just like a shot, didn't it?"
I wrestled the Buick off to the side of the road, realizing what we had to do, to get to the spare. A dust cloud billowed up from the tires as gravel was spat out from the tires. Skidding slightly to a stop, I leaned back against the headrest and thought about how we were going to get this body out to the desert before is became more pungent than Jerry. Banging my head against the rest to sort things out. How the hell do I keep getting back in this mess? I was supposed to get out. I paid Mr. Green the debt I owed, twice over. But 'the life' just pulls you back under, like an east coast undertow.
"Awlright Jerry, lets get this done and get back on the road before some Goodie Two decided to help up and we're putting two in a hole instead of just the one."
The old doors creak as we get out and circle back to the trunk. Before I open the makeshift coffin, I glance around. Dry and barren, this way and that, though apparently we are 300 feet or so from the "Friendly town of Kasperville." Fucking great. The trunk opens like gigantic baby bird waiting for another juicy worm. Christ I hope this stiff is still stiff and not juicy.
"Jerry, grab the head."
"Oh shit! I'm gonna yak!"
We heave and yank on the roll of carpet wrapped around another schmuck that zigged when he should have zagged. Fortunately, he's still stiff. As the bundle of misfortune flops to the gravel, Jerry tosses up his cheeseburger, fries and strawberry shake all over his end. I should plug him right here and now, just to put us both out of this misery.
"DAMNITALLTOFUCKINGHELL!" I scream. There's no spare. What the hell is this? What do we do now. "Shitshitshitshit!"
"What Davey, what's wrong?"
"There's no fucking spare in this trash heap. Who's car is this anyway?"
"Dunno. I lifted it about an hour before you knocked off Mr. Krinsky."
"Wait, you know this.. this is a hot car? We're driving around in a hot car with stiff in the trunk, with out of state plates? Are you trying to get put away?"
"Well no. Mr. Green said to get my car, and this is it. This week."
"Jerry, so help me God I'm going to shoot you myself before this is all over, now grab Mr. Krinsky's puke covered head and get him back in the trunk."
After a heavy lift, we got the package back in the trunk, and headed off to see how friendly Kasperville really was.
It's only days into the new year, and lo and behold I've broken all of my new years resolutions and I'm going to commit my fourth felony.
I'm not off to a good start.
(This is a writing exercise from Writer's Digest Nov/Dec. Pg. 10)
Current meatspace coordinates: