Monday, March 28, 2005

Retaliation Against Stupidity

The following was my e-mail response to the chain e-mail concerning the US Postal Services re-issuance of a Islamic Stamp in 2003. I've added the original email as well (I have this nasty habit of archiving everything)

Original email:
Date: 2/20/03 3:32 PM
RE: BOYCOTT this US Postal stamp when purchasing your stamps at the post office.
REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993. REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon. REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the military Barracks in Saudi Arabia. REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the American Embassies in Africa. REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the US COLE. REMEMBER the MUSLIM attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. REMEMBER the MUSLIM attack on the Pentagon on 9/11/01. REMEMBER all the AMERICAN lives that were lost in those vicious MUSLIM attacks. Now the United States Postal Service REMEMBERS and HONORS the MUSLIMS with a commemorative first class postage stamp. I strongly urge you to REMEMBER to adamantly and vocally BOYCOTT this stamp when purchasing your stamps at the post office. To use this stamp would be a slap in the face to all those AMERICANS who died at the hands of those whom this stamp honors. I also strongly urge you to pass this along to every Patriotic American you know, whether by e-mail or otherwise.
End Original email

Begin reponse email
REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of Pan Am Flight 103!
There is NO mention of Muslim connections or motives in the indictment of the two Libyans responsible for this. Modern thought places these two in league with the Hizbullah. Keep reading.
TERROR is not a religion.

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993!
Ramzi Yousef, the convicted TERRORIST responsible for the February 26th attack as been linked to Iraqi intelligence. Remember our nutso pal there, Saddam Hussein? There is a very persuasive case to be made that Ramzi Yousef conspiracy to take down the WTC in 1993 (and unleash Cyanide gas on the survivors) was Hussein's revenge for the Gulf War. In fact, the bomb went off on the second anniversary of the ending of the Gulf War.
Looks like this is a revenge issue.

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon!
Hizbullah, a radical shia group founded in Lebanon has been indicted in the attack against the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon, as well as the bombing of the embassy in Beirut. This is a TERRORIST organization that uses religion as a recruitment platform. Not the nation of Islam attacking America, a wacko radical splinter group who's sole interest is removing outside influence from there lands. BTW, there are backed and funded by Iran and Syria.

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the military barracks in Saudi Arabia!
Hizballah was indicted in this as well.

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the American Embassies in Africa!
Muslims did this. All 1,300,000,000 of them. Holy shit! Of course not. This was our old buddy bin Laden, who is also know to have conducted the bombings of the US Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, on 7 August that killed at least 301 persons and injured more than 5,000 others. He claims to have shot down US helicopters and killed US servicemen in Somalia in 1993 and to have conducted three bombings targeted against the US troop presence in Aden, Yemen in December 1992. He and his ilk are linked to plans for attempted terrorist operations, including the assassination of the Pope during his visit to Manila in late1994; simultaneous bombings of the US and Israeli Embassies in Manila and other Asian capitals in late 1994; the midair bombing of a dozen US trans-Pacific flights in 1995; and a plan to kill President Clinton during a visit to the Philippines in early 1995. It was estimated in 1999 that his group numbered about 3000, though he has influence and helps to fund any group that has the same goal.

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the USS COLE!
See above. Our good ol' buddy bin Laden.

REMEMBER the MUSLIM attack on the Twin Towers on 9/11/2001!
See above. Our good ol' buddy bin Laden.

By using the term "Muslim" you are stating that 1.3 BILIION people are responsible for the acts of the TERRORIST groups listed above. A recent census of suspected militant Islamic groups notes the number at less than 100 thousands all told. Persecution of the second largest religion in the world based on the actions of .007% of their population seems a little extreme. if not a bit ignorant.
Just because I think that Jerry Falwell might possibly be the stupidest man in America for his remarks that the Islamic prophet Mohamed was a “terrorist”. Don’t get me started about his moronic comments about him ‘outing’ Tinky Winky! And Falwell told Oral Robertson and the world (on national TV less than 48 hours after the 9-11 tragedy) that “God is upset that America has become too sinful, so last week in retaliation, the Lord lifted his veil of protection that previously kept the nation safe, and that's why the suicide attacks were successful.” Millions of people beleive this. This is incredibly frightning to me. Speaking of Oral Roberts;
"On January 4, 1987, Roberts launched his most notable campaign to date. Roberts told his followers that if he did not raise a total of 8 million dollars by March, God was going to take his life...Comparing himelf to the apostle Paul, Roberts begged not to let Satan defeat him. 'God' he says, 'clearly told me he needs me here on earth. And here's why, because of all the ministries, this ministry is the only one God has on this earth that owns a medical school.'...Some time later, Oral's son, Richard, took pen in hand to warn of his father's impending doom. Without 'the additional $4,500.000.' explains Richard, 'God will not extend Dad's life.' He then pleads, 'Partner, we cannot let this man of God die. There is no reason for him to die.' ...After sternnly warning, 'IF YOU NEGLECT TO PAY ATTENTION...Then Satan will take advantage and hit you with bad things and you will wish that 1985 had never come,' Roberts closed his letter with a hard sell. Sending a seed-faith gift will not only enable you to 'STOP SATAN IN HIS HATE TO BRING YOU DOWN,' it will also 'help you get your hundredfold return.'(Hank Hanegraaff, "Christianity in Crisis" page 196-198)
This guy's picture should be listed in the Wikipedia entry for Thief or maybe Idiot! This guy is either very cunning, or very stupid.
By the same reasoning used with the term Muslim earlier, I make the following case. Jerry Falwell and Oral Roberts, self-labeled Christian leaders have proven that they are both idiots (or thieves), therefore all Christians are idiots (or thieves). Ouch! Hurts don’t it. That’s exactly the logic that went into the e-mail on “Muslims”. But, I'm not doing anything different than the e-mail did.. take some small examples and expand those upon a social group indescriminately.
Think about the Crusades. Go pull out your Bible and read John 8:7.

Pay attention to what you read. Don’t punish the masses for the actions or beliefs of the few.

The U.S. Postal Service is perhaps trying to make a point. There are close to 5.5 million Muslims in the United States. Are we to crucify them as well? Hell, they’re Muslims right? Aren’t they responsible for the bombing of the Twin Towers?

Now you know better. (or do you just beleive everything you read)
End response email

Parting shot... Terrorists don't surf.

N21 19.001' W158 1.386'
(accurate to within 10ft)
Position verified by 6 Sats.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Intent vs. Impact

Perhaps one of the most difficult things about inter human communication is the delta between what your intent versus your impact. I often find myself forgetting to look at what I said in comparison to what I meant. When I do have the social conscience to do so, I'm often surprised by the difference.
With written word, I have the time, and often the awareness, to look at what I'm trying to say. In IM and chat room conversations, I seem to have a grasp on this, so why is it that in face to face communication I'm oblivious?
Now before I get to down on myself, I notice this more often when I'm truly listening to someone talk. This morning, our office manager said to a client "Well, if they left the selling to me.. but that's beside the point." Yes, he said this to a customer. No I have no idea what the hell he was thinking, nor what his intent was. We we discussed it this morning, he failed to recognize the difference between what he said, and what he meant(whatever that was). Attempts to bridge the gap were futile. And it's not that this individual is an idiot, in fact he's well educated and has considerable skills in the financial market. He's just missing that part of the brain that checks to see that the words used match the intended message

N21 19.190'
W157 51.734'
(accurate to within 91ft)

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Relative Intelligence

No, this is not about the intelligence of my relatives.. that would take more time than I have at the moment.

Is it true, that in any large group of people, if you look around, half the people are of below average intelligence?

That doesn't seem to hold true when I'm in my car on the freeway. Or in line at the grocery store. Or at the mall around the holidays. There seems to be a lot of talk about common sense too. If it's so common, why don't we see more of it? I'm not even that sure that common sense if a good thing. I mean, common sense tells us that the world is flat. Now, I is not my intention to insult and Flat-Earthers, but come on... guys, it's round.

Some days, I look around, and ask myself what the hell I'm doing on this bass-ackwards planet..

Today is one of those days.
Look around you... half of those people are below average.

N21 19.190'
W157 51.734'
(accurate to within 91ft)