Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Relative Intelligence

No, this is not about the intelligence of my relatives.. that would take more time than I have at the moment.

Is it true, that in any large group of people, if you look around, half the people are of below average intelligence?

That doesn't seem to hold true when I'm in my car on the freeway. Or in line at the grocery store. Or at the mall around the holidays. There seems to be a lot of talk about common sense too. If it's so common, why don't we see more of it? I'm not even that sure that common sense if a good thing. I mean, common sense tells us that the world is flat. Now, I is not my intention to insult and Flat-Earthers, but come on... guys, it's round.

Some days, I look around, and ask myself what the hell I'm doing on this bass-ackwards planet..

Today is one of those days.
Look around you... half of those people are below average.

N21 19.190'
W157 51.734'
(accurate to within 91ft)

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