Friday, February 29, 2008

Headshake of the day.

Think if a goal you have.

What is that goal going to give you?
And what is that (the answer from above) going to give you?
Keep repeating the second question until it becomes difficult to answer.

Chances are, you are left with a feeling. That goal breaks down to feeling a certain way. Loved. Proud. Sense of accomplishment. Feeling capable. Feeling in control. Needed or wanted. Admired. Appreciated. Security.
Or simply feeling happy.

But, you knew that didn't you.
Where do emotions.. these feelings come from. Are they simply electrical signals interpreted by the brain? If so, we are determining, by choice, the things that will trigger the feelings we want. What is stopping us from short cutting that process and feeling those feelings now?

Want to be happy?
Feel Happy.

Yes, it really can be that easy.

Current meatspace coordinates:
N21 21' 18.7 W157' 51.5 Elevation: 340ft

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