Some days you're the dog, some days you're the hydrant! - Unknown
After struggling for years with insomnia, (with a brief cure provided by an experiment with Polyphasic Sleep) I seem to be on the flip side of the curve. I am "sleeping" more, and feeling less rested. Not even sure where to go from here, try to sleep less? back to PolyPhasic for a few weeks? Double doses of Melatonin? For the last few weeks, I've averaged 7hrs of sleep a night. One would think that this multi-hour increase would give me a bit or respite from dragging ass all day.
Could very well be stress related, or diet, or lack of training, or worse yet, a combination of all of the above. (Too many commas? Yeah, I thought so too.)
Stress reduction.. might not be feasible at this point, yet the other two I could certainly do something about. Wish I had the energy to give a damn. Maybe this is one of those horsey/cart cart/horsey things...
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Have you considered that you may be suffering from mild depression? Have you talked with your physician about these symptoms? Depression can swing you like this.
Just a thought...
Under the current conditions, I think that is much more stress related. I certainly don't feel depressed.
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