Thursday, July 26, 2007

Name that song...

This thing is slowly taking me apart.
Grey would be the color, if I had a heart.
Come on and tell me.
And I'm starting to scare myself.

Maarburg the Mad
Current meatspace coordinates:
N21 18'43.99' W158 01'06.31
Elevation: 32ft
(accurate to within 71ft)

Friday, July 13, 2007


Today was a rather interesting day, like an anti-day from my life.
I woke up later than I had wanted, but I'm on holiday, so it's no big deal.
I hopped on the computer and checked work e-mail, just to see how badly I'm going to have to make it up to Kel. Worked on a few things for awhile.

Then I took a very nice nap, with the vague notion that I will go for a ride later, but, y'know.. that will happen when it happens. The notion of taking a nap, with out setting a timer, and just really relaxing, seemed so foreign. So alien.
I actually had to overcome anxiety about not being anxious. Got in a good meditation and calmed down.

Gotta do that more often!

Great fsking nap.

Meatspace coordinates:
Latitude: N 39.91
Longitude: W 105.09
Elevation 5480ft

Thursday, July 12, 2007

TIL 7711

Today I learned:
Seeing a movie, for free, 5am (soul adjusted time) is cool and difficult at the same time. Who catnaps during Harry Potter 5? Me apparently.

There are some really, really big big shops in CO.

Kathleen came out of her crate and was ready in less then 15 minutes. Amazing. PKQ (whom I had just met and is exactly as I expected) was still having issues putting her bike together. Hope I didn't rub any salt into a wound.

There is no fsking air in CO. Someone took it, and the locals are all to hypoxic to notice.

We are all damaged. Though, apparently we are all damaged in entirely unique ways.

I have a new friend, Tiff, a little crazy (a good thing in my Friend Ranking System) and a hell of a lot of fun to be around. (Caveat: Tiff, is technically, not a new friend. Though this was the first F2F) If you judge yourself by the quality of your friends, my net worth went up a lot today.

10 hours of sleep after 30 hours of being awake (and only sleeping 3 hours the night previous) will mess you up.

Meatspace coordinates:
Latitude: N 39.91
Longitude: W 105.09
Elevation 5480ft
(accurate to within 110ft)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

TIL 7707

Today I learned:
Sometimes.. it's not as bad as you think it is.

If you're not paranoid.. you're not paying attention.

Don't ever ever say the words (in any variation) "Things couldn't get worse."
All that does is prove to the universe that you have a limited imagination and have no concept of pain and suffering.

I bought two new CD's today.. Marylin Manon - Lest We Forget and Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists

To my suprise, both CD's have covers that I'd never heard and thouroughly enjoy.
MM covering Soft Cell's Tainted Love and Dis covering Genesis' Land of Confusion.

Both very very nice.
And I hate Covers.

Current meatspace coordinates:
N21 18'43.98' W158 01'06.29
Elevation: 12ft
(accurate to within 11ft)